Newborn Checklist for 1st Time Parents

Clueless! I know that I have aplenty of items to buy for my the Little One. With no experience and not bothering of it until you're becoming a parent. Suddenly, it's like thousand of items to buy for that little creature. All at the same time and the shopping journey for LO is like endless and take up most of your weekends. For first time mom like me, you'll be gaga over huge selection and offerings out there and, you want to have it all...

Many moms already reminded that your LO tends to grow in a blink, so do not keep newborn size so many. One more is, try to keep the colour neutral, you may want to recycle for the next baby of pass it on to someone. Here are my list:

  1. 7 x Daytime Newborn Onesie - I bought the RM5 per piece during Mom & Baby Expo
  2. 7 x Newborn Sleepers - I bought the cheapest I can get from the rack.
  3. Outing Clothing (I bought 3-6mths size) as I don't plan to bring my LO outings when he's still fragile. I bought during Sale time which can save you up to 50%! Hunt for Sale people, you'll save tonnes of money.
  4. Several Socks
  5. Several Hats
  6. 7 x Mittens & Booties
  7. Burping Cloth
  8. Swaddle
  9. Muslim Cloth
  10. Bips
  11. Swaddle with Front Zipper (I saw someone use this when taking baby home and during check-up, the baby looks so comfy in it)
  12. Blankets
  1. 2 x Newborn Diapers
  2. Nail Clipper
  3. Brush & Comb
  4. Ointment (Vicks, Yuyi)
  5. Thermometer (for baby)
  6. Cotton Buds
  7. Cotton Balls
  8. Baby Wipes
  9. Baby Bath Tub
  10. Shower Gel & Shampoo
  11. Lotion
  12. Talc
  13. Nappy Rash Cream
  14. Baby Detergent
  15. Nasal Aspirator
I don't plan co-sleep with the baby, but having a baby bed next to ours is crucial since I plan to breastfeed my baby and having him within arm reach is mandatory. Having babycot or bassinet which doesn't last long will not be my option. Thus, kid's bed seems to be a great option.
  1. Baby Bed & Mattress (IKEA)
  2. 2 sets of Beddings (IKEA)
  3. Baby Pillow (IKEA, won't use it until he's 3 months onward. It's not recommended to put pillow underneath your baby head before that)
  1. Stroller + Accessories (you'll be nuts with the offering out there, beware...! ;-))
  2. Car Seat (we bought Britax Marathon C70 with cowhide pattern, so cute... buy a good one with 0 to certain weight if you plan to keep your child in their car seat for long).
  3. Infant Car Carrier or 0 Car Seat (Cybex Aton which is compatible with my Bumbleride Indie stroller)
  4. Baby Carrier
  1. Breast Pump (I bought Spectra Dew 350)
  2. Feeding Bottle (Comotomo) - its teats resembles the nipples to it's going to be a smooth conversion from mother to bottle. 
  1. Bouncer (look for bouncer that can be used from baby to toddler)
  2. Playmat (IKEA)

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